I guess I should introduce this rag tag crew of dedicated fishermen. First and foremost is me the skipper, ( Well I have the key to the boat ) Kevin. Next would be my friend and landlord, ( Hence the friend part! ) Pon. We don't really know what the hell he does for work, and don't really give a shit! He told us once, but we never listen to him. Then we come to my next door neighbor, Darwin, aka " Mr D ", a retired meat cutter and a fine wood worker! To complete our foursome is Greg, aka " Greg " jack of all trades and master of all of them too! The guy never stops amazing me. He could make a coconut out of a TV! And of course to screw up our foursome is my buddy Les. He's smart as a horse and hung like Einstein! He has a job, today, but this could change at any time! This freaking guy could catch fish in a puddle of pee! If he doesn't catch one, I'm sure he will hold me entirely responsible. You'll see.
Now we're not afraid to bring newbies with us as long as they pay for gas, beer and bait! Some of these newbies will probably provide the funniest stories. Well, we hope you enjoy our little blog and keep coming back. Remember, If the women don't find ya handsome, they should at least find ya handy!