Greg called me today and asked if I wanted to take a ride to Canon City with him. After deliberating,( work or ride...work or ride? ) I said what the hell. When we got there we realized we hadn't brought our walking sticks, we had mistakenly grabbed our fishing poles! And instead of my lunch bucket I had grabbed my tackle box! Then, unbelievably, there, in the back of Gregs pickup, magically appeared a bucket of minnows! Imagine our surprise! Okay, the truth. We decided to check out any action on the Arkansas River. It's still really early, but Greg wanted to feel out a couple spots to try and figure out if they were hitting, and on what. We fished for a while just west of downtown, but the river seemed too fast. We then headed west, over by the power plant, to try our luck. After about thirty minutes Greg caught a beauty. A nice brown. Well to me it was a beauty. For Greg it has to be of the size that would make Captain Ahab proud. We then headed to the other side of the river and hit a couple spots we thought were gonna produce. WRONG. We headed a little further west, to another spot that looked promising. I caught my little brown there, but then nothing, nada, zip and zilch. It was getting late so we gave it one more try at a nice spot that had " Fish Me " written all over it. Well the fish me part must have drifted from somewhere up stream because they for sure weren't there! All in all it ended up being an OK day. It was nice to get out by the water with a good friend, and neither one of us got skunked. Spring training has begun.