Couple of scan.... I mean scammers

Les and Richard, ( Les on left, Richard on right...DUH ), show up at my door the other day with this tall tale of slamming em up at Eleven mile res. Well to humor the two of them I took some photo's with my camera phone. Well was I surprised when I up loaded them to this blog. I noticed something was definitely amiss. I don't know about you, but I've never caught fish with scales that look like bar codes, have you? Look closely and you may be able to see them yourself! UNBELIEVABLE! These two will go to any length to get on this world renowned blog. They must have stopped at Safeway or King Soopers and bought them. I'm sorry they had to lower them selves to such underhanded tactics. I'll tell you, Richard never used to be like this. That damn Les has ruined another perfectly good human being. Dragged him into the gutter. Poor Richard probably never even saw it coming. Hell, Les will have him dumpster diving within a week! Please don't think all of my friends are like this, god no! I try to distance myself and shield my friends from this type of riffraff. It's just unfortunate the few can try to ruin it for the masses. I guess I'll have to be a bit more cautious before I answer the door again with out identifying whom it is!