The end is near! Me, Greg and James busted hump Friday afternoon to get the boat prepped, inside the shop and off the trailer by five. Couldn't have done it with out Greg and Jame's help. Thanks again guys. Try to run a business and have a project going at the same time! Jake came by at five thirty and painted the rest of the boat. We had a bitch of a time getting the boat to hang properly so he could get it done. Of course being from New England we knew we would figure out something that would work, which we did. Finished painting the bottom at about nine. It took two weeks to complete, but that was because of logistical problems. Jake did a great job of spraying the color, but it sure shows I didn't spend enough time on prep work! Our spray booth was the brain child of Greg. His own copy of the Eisenhower Tunnel! The boats got some spider cracks in the fiberglass showing through ( my fault, bad prep ) so I'll have to sand them out and kiss Jake's butt to have him shoot it again. I'm thinking of changing the name of the boat to " Ship for Brains ". What do you think? Here are some photo's.
Jake ordering four beers

In a cloud

Top color