Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wax on, wax off....

Well we decided to get to town on the old Newman pronto. It really needs very little structural work. The smallest amount of glass work aft where the fuel tanks go. We cleaned all the shrubs from the interior, swept it and vacuumed it, then Tad and Greg laid the paint on to all the woodwork to prevent anymore rot. Gregs buddy Larry turned us on to a real good fibreglass restorer that sure made the job of pretty'n her hull up a lot easier. Greg and Tad laid all new carpet and did the glass work that it needed. I rewired the entire boat. added some lights and fixed the wiring on the trailer. You can see the difference in just a weeks time! Tad is gonna buy it from me for what I have in it but me and Greg wanna make sure if we repo it, it'll be up to our standards!

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